The Language I Am

I want to write in the language
I was born and cultured in
Use the images I carry around
Every single day of my life

I want to speak in the language
That is cemented on my tongue
Scented all in my whole being
And coloured, curved on my skin

I want to sing in the language
Produce sounds and melodies
Which I can easily dance to
Enjoy and indulge my spirit

I want to think in the language
That offers me the eternity
Space and endless possibilities
To really deeply reflect myself

I want to cry in the language
I can really feel my every hurt
Explore and find my deepest self
Amongst my many personalities

I want to laugh in the language
That will fill my emptiness
With a sounds from deep inside
Yet so light and meaningful

I want to be in the language
I was, I am and will always be
A language that has become me
And which I want you to be part of

By: Keamogetso joseph MOLAPONG